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Cosmology Gravitation and Multidimensions


Nicola Nescatelli

Research Statement

The research of Nicola Nescatelli in collaboration with Dr. G.Montani, is primarily focused on the stability of the Early Universe in presence of creation particles: during the degree thesis he included in the Lifschitz work a pressure term due to the creation of the matter in the stress-energy tensor. To build a negative pressure term based on thermodynamics concepts, he followed the idea of Prigogine (“Thermodynamics of Irreversible processes”, New York, 1961) in which he had considered the Universe as a thermodynamical open system.
 The aim of his work is to develop a model in which the creation term can be included on the study of the stability in the asymptotic limit close to the singularity. The most interesting result of this model is the unstable note that the Universe shows when it is collapsing in the direction of the singularity.
The first step of upgrading is to enlarge the model to a pressure term built with the help of a quantum gravity theory, while another way to generalize the model is to include other irreversible processes (like the Bulk viscosity) and to insert a new kind of ansatz to explain the dark energy.
To include the quantum gravity effects we would correlate the phenomenological ansatz with the microphysics of the creation particles and we would build an energy-momentum tensor for a quantistic field on a cosmological background, once we have considered the semi-classical limit WKB for this field.
The target is to show how the creation of matter leads to a naturally cut-off for the energy density able to remove the singularity.

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